Plant-Based Eating

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I don’t want this blog to be all about being vegan. This blog is simply about sharing my own recipes that just happen to be vegan (older recipes are vegetarian) because that is what I am. (Note: I have been vegetarian for over twenty years, and mostly vegan for almost two years. I have been ‘officially’ vegan since January 2017 – and so has my amazing husband!) I strongly believe that veganism is the only sustainable future for us and our planet. At its heart, veganism is compassion for all living creatures and a passionate belief that a plant-based diet is the healthiest for all humans.

Sadly, the meat and dairy industries have made generations of people deeply dependent on their products, to the point where people can be quite nervous about cutting back or giving up and there is simply no need to be. It’s now easier than ever to give up animal products for good as all kinds of companies – from corporate giants to small, ethical family-run businesses – are all jumping on board and embracing the vegan movement. There is a ‘vegan version’ of just about everything. It’s a hugely exciting time and it truly is just the beginning! If you’re a meat-eater and still a bit confused about what you can feed your veggie guests or newly converted teenager, take a look below. It’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

Stuck on a Sunday? I get asked about this all the time. ‘What do you eat on Sundays?!’ We Brits are obsessed with Sunday dinners. This is what you do: In a big roasting tin, roast potatoes and veggies in olive oil alongside some stuffing balls and a Linda McCartney pie (if you want something quick and easy) or go a bit fancy and make a nut roast or shepherdess pie. Smother it all in vegetarian gravy. Trust me, any vegan or vegetarian guest in your house will fall over themselves with gratitude for this, and it’s a doddle to cook alongside your own dinner.


DO NOT eat any meat or fish or any product derived from a slaughtered animal, for example gelatine, rennet etc. When someone says they are vegetarian ‘but they eat fish’ – what they actually mean is that they are pescatarian.

DO eat eggs and dairy. Be aware however that some cheeses contain rennet. (Most cheese is clearly labelled vegetarian. If in doubt, have a quick check of the ingredients.)


DO NOT consume any product derived from any animal in any shape or form whatsoever. This includes meat, fish, dairy products, eggs and honey – as well as by-products of slaughter such as gelatine and rennet. Many products are specifically labelled as vegan, but most are not. A cursory glance at the ingredient list will solve any mystery. Traces of eggs and dairy are generally labelled in bold (as they are allergens) so they are easy to spot. Occasionally honey will trip you up, but to be fair it isn’t used in food that often.

What about leather? Veganism tends to be a lifestyle rather purely about diet, so leather (and fur, obviously) or any other material derived from an animal is definitely out. Second hand leather etc (or leather already in a new vegan’s wardrobe) is a contentious issue. Personally, I will wear my old leather shoes etc as it would be a waste to get rid of them, but now that I am vegan, I will not replace them with new leather products.

Handy links (I will be adding to this!):

The Vegan Society

The Vegetarian Society

Peta’s Free Vegan Starter Kit

The Truth About The Dairy Industry

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