Adaptable Energy Ball Formula

Vegan energy ball recipe
Make them once and you’ll never buy them again! Energy balls (or bars – you can shape them any way that tickles your fancy) are quick and inexpensive to make and they pack a punch when it comes to providing, er, energy. Now I know there are a million recipes out there for these quick bites but they do bang on a bit and make it sound complicated when it really isn’t.

You’ll most likely be familiar with energy balls/bars/bites similar to the ones you find in the shops, such as Nakd bars. They are essentially made up of the following:

50% Dried Fruit
Usually dates. But raisins, sultanas, dried cranberries, or whatever dried fruit you have handy will all work fine. It’s fun to try new combinations – think about what will work with the dry stuff you’re using.

50% Dry Stuff
This can be oats, nuts, mixed seeds, a handful of muesli, coconut, quinoa flakes… whatever you have in your cupboard, really. You can also include a spoonful of protein powder or cocoa powder if you like. As long as the weight of the dry stuff is the same as the dried fruit, you are doing it right.

Plus an optional:
Squeeze of syrup for a little extra sweetness (or flavour) or just a splash of water. This also helps bind the mixture, making it easier to roll or shape as you please.

Tiny pinch of salt. Pink Himalayan if you’re feeling fancy.

Pinch of spice such as cinnamon

How easy is that!

Here’s an example of the ones I make regularly. You’ll see that the dry ingredients weigh the same as the dates/raisins. Double up as you please – this amount makes a small batch of 6 x 35g balls.

Switch up the ingredients as you please.  They provide quick fuel for any kind of strenuous activity; my husband recently took a huge batch of these to share with his London-To-Brighton cycle team and my mother-in-law makes them to fuel her marathon training. They are also great for snacking on the go!

Coconut & Oat

100g dates or raisins
30g mixed seeds (or sunflower seeds)
30g desiccated coconut
40g oats
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp water OR 1 tbsp syrup – use agave, maple, golden – it doesn’t matter. I like Monin white chocolate flavour syrup here!

Place everything except the syrup into a small processor and process until everything looks thoroughly combined and broken down. You may need to stop the motor and scrape the sides once or twice.

With the motor running slowly, pour in the water or syrup. The mixture will begin to clump into a sticky mass. Tip the contents on to a clean surface and bring together with your hands, lightly kneading if necessary. I like to form six balls weighing approximately 35g each. You can roll them in a little extra desiccated coconut or finely chopped nuts if you like.

The mixture will probably feel soft and maybe a bit warm depending on your processor! Pop them into a tub and keep in the fridge, where they will firm up nicely.

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