URBAN eat Blog Of The Month!

I am so happy and proud to share the news that Baking With Honey has been chosen as URBAN eat‘s Blog Of The Month! Why not visit their website and take a look at the fun Q&A session I did with them?

URBAN eat Blog Of The Month: Baking With Honey

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2 thoughts on “URBAN eat Blog Of The Month!”

  • What a lovely blog Katy. Cakes were totally delicious. Both you and your little person are missed by me! Currently searching for a chocolate cake recipe. Do you have a good one? xxxxx Flossy Tara

    • Wow, what a nice surprise! So glad you like my blog and enjoyed the cupcakes. Little person misses you loads, she keeps asking can she go back to nursery yet. I’ve got an industry-standard chocolate cake recipe I swear by – I am happy to share it, let me know what tin size you’ll be using and I’ll email it to you 🙂 Keep in touch! Katy XXX

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