Vegan Cranberry & Cardamom Welsh Cakes

These heavenly mouthfuls are incredibly easy to make and as Christmassy as can be!

Don’t get me wrong, I love a mince pie as much as the next sane person, but these are a much simpler – not to mention quicker – alternative offering of festive solace. With so many people cooking for a smaller number of people this Christmas, or perhaps just themselves, it’s also worth mentioning that this recipe can easily be halved if necessary.

Welsh cakes are traditionally made with raisins (or currants or sultanas, depending on who you ask) and a sprinkling of mixed spice. I couldn’t see any reason why cranberries and cardamom wouldn’t be anything other than a wonderful swap and I was right. I also think adding the finely grated zest of an orange would really make these sing, so I have included it in the ingredients. I haven’t dared try though, as my daughter is a bit of a citrusphobe.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Let’s hope for brighter days ahead.

Makes 15-18 Welsh Cakes, depending on the size of your cutter.

If you need more detailed method instructions and photographs, you will find them in my more traditional offering here: Vegan Welsh Cakes.


200g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 tsp speculaas spice (mixed spice is fine too)
100g vegan butter, cubed (a block butter is best here eg. Naturli or Stork)
Finely grated zest of 1 orange
100g caster sugar (plus more to sprinkle)
60ml (4 level tablespoons) non-dairy milk
100g dried cranberries

  1. Combine the flour, baking powder and spices in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Add the cubed butter and rub into the flour mixture with your fingertips until you have a crumble-type mixture.
  3. Sprinkle in the finely grated orange zest and sugar, then stir to combine.
  4. Gradually add the milk whilst stirring with a fork until a soft dough begins to form. Bring it together with your hands – lightly kneading on a floured surface for just a few moments if necessary – until you can form a fat disc.
  5. Gently roll to a thickness of just under 1cm (marzipan spacers are a brilliant tool for this) and cut, using a 2-3″ circular cutter.
  6. Preheat a good heavy non-stick pan to medium and gently transfer the discs to the pan; I can fit about five at a time in mine. Welsh cakes would traditionally be made on a bake stone, but a pan works just as well! Allow room for expansion and remember you need to flip them over halfway.
  7. I find 3 minutes on each side is perfect for me, but Welsh cakes are a bit like pancakes – sometimes it takes a few goes to get timings right. They are ready they are lovely and golden. They will still appear quite soft, but will firm up as they cool. Don’t be tempted to cook for longer as you’ll end up with very dry Welsh cakes!
  8. Transfer to a plate to cool, sprinkling with caster sugar as you go. These are best eaten within a 3 days, stored in a Tupperware or tin.


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